Primitive spiders (Mygalomorphs)
The Funnel web, the Trapdoor and the Mouse spider.
Modern spiders (Araneomorphs) -
*Can be open range hunters and ambushers: White tailed spider, Wolf spider and the Huntsman.
*They can be anglers such as the Net casting spiders.
*They can be apprentice weavers such as Redback, and Black house spider.
*Or Master weavers such as Orb weaver and Saint Andrews cross.
Avoidance of Bites
1. Clear away undergrowth and backyard rubbish in the winter months.
2. Wear gloves and shoes when gardening.
3. Don’t leave clothes or children’s toys on the ground overnight, especially in summer when wandering spiders may use them as shelter.
4. Educate children that non aggressive spiders will not go out of their way to bite, but all have a venom to catch prey, and should be treated with care.
5. Be aware that male Funnel web spiders roam during the warmer months of January - March.
6. Take care when diving into backyard swimming pools as Funnel web spiders can remain alive underwater for a long time.
Arachnids, have 8 jointed legs (insects have 6), and their bodies are divided into 2 sections, the cephalothorax and the abdomen.
The cephalothorax is a fused head and thorax region. Palps are located in the front, and are larger in the male. The abdomen of the female is swollen. The male is generally smaller than the female. Many arachnids are nocturnal, are carnivorous, and are cannibalistic. Spiders render their prey immobile by injecting it with venom by means of their fangs. Production of silk or web is characteristic of spiders and is used for catching prey, holding egg cases, and dispersal of newly emerged spiderlings.