Our Comprehensive Inspection Reports will detail recommendations for building maintenance that can help you prevent termites from finding food sources around your home.
While most people know that keeping your home clean, hygienic and tidy can provide protection from pests like cockroaches, ants and rodents, not everyone realises that good building maintenance can provide protection against termites too, not to mention costly repairs to structural damage.
On the Australian mainland, one in five homes have experienced some form of pressure and attack from termites, who do not discriminate and can attack homes on concrete slabs, timber homes, homes in the cities, countries, roofs in high rise apartments, boats, wharves, trees. Termites do not belong to a neighbour’s property but can travel 100m from their nest to their food source.
Read on for tips to protect your home.
DIY Termite Protection
Many problems in the area of pest control are moisture related - wood decay, termites, rats and cockroaches all thrive on high levels of moisture in their environment. Dampness can be caused by plumbing leaks, poor air flow ventilation under a building, external ground too high or inadequate drainage. Please see our Wood Decay page for more information on the structural damage and health problems associated with these issues.
Please note, unless you are capable or qualified to correct building problems, seek the help of licensed Tradesmen. The suggestions provided are generalised. For a tailored solution with detailed instructions of how to protect your home, it is essential to book an Austrapest Visual Timber Pest Inspection and Report.
Loose Wood and Timber Maintenance
We recommend that timbers are not in contact with the ground, as this provides easy access to a food source for termites.
Access and Building Issues
By providing necessary and adequate access points to your property including the roof and the subfloor, your Licenced Timber Pest Inspector can provide the best assessment of any possible structural issues and pest activity.
Dampness Issues and Subfloor Ventilation
Termites, borers and fungal decay thrive in moist conditions – and low, damp, poorly ventilated subfloors with loose timbers are ideal for them. Timbers in service can decay if moisture levels are above 20%. Fungal decay can do considerable damage to timbers in a building structure. The quality of air under a house can impact on the health of the occupants causing household allergies and respiratory problems. Dampness issues around the property should be rectified.
Austrapest is the Timber Pest Management company of choice for home owners in Concord, Balmain, the Inner West, North Shore, Gladesville, Hills District and in fact we are recommended to customers throughout the Sydney metropolitan region. We offer excellent quality service and support. We have competitive prices for this level of service in the industry. Austrapest and Kevmac together have been established in the Sydney Metropolitan since 1949 (over 70 years of excellence in Pest Management).