Austrapest uses the safest products and methods to manage your cockroach problem. Our process involves a thorough inspection of the location of the problem, targeted treatment, and advice on non chemical approaches. 

Why are cockroaches pests?

Cockroaches are nocturnal, omnivorous and are gregarious (they like to live in groups). They like cracks, crevices, and warm mild conditions. The average kitchen provides an ideal environment for cockroaches with all the requirements of food, moisture and shelter. They leave chemical trails in their faeces, as well as emitting airborne pheromones for swarming and mating. These chemical trails transmit bacteria onto surfaces. Other cockroaches will follow these trails to discover sources of food and water, and also discover where other cockroaches are hiding.

Cockroaches’ indiscriminate manner of feeding in sewers and garbage bins brings them into contact with diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis and tuberculosis. They continually regurgitate their food, which makes any of our unprotected food susceptible to contamination. They passively transport microbes on their body surfaces including those that are potentially dangerous to humans. Also, cockroaches carry allergens, which can cause asthma attacks and skin reactions in sensitive people. So yes, a cockroach infestation can be bad for your health


The Austrapest treatment for Cockroaches

When a cockroach infestation is out of control, Austrapest technicians use Synthetic Pyrethroids, such as Permethrin and Deltamethrin, which are very effective in controlling cockroaches and safer to human health. A comprehensive survey and inspection by a licenced Austrapest pest manager is required to determine the extent of problems and methods of control. It is a good idea to get a professional service in the early Spring before a cockroach problems can build up. The products used by Austrapest, including bait, not only treat adult cockroaches, but continue to treat young cockroaches as they hatch throughout the summer months. The professional products we use are residual, and are more effective than other over the counter products. Typically it can take up to 4-6 weeks to gain control of an average infestation. We highly recommend a follow up service every 6-12 months in the average household to maintain peace of mind. For restaurants and commercial premises follow up services should occur every 1-2 months.


Cockroach problem? If you have a cockroach infestation, it's most likely you have one of the following main species considered pests:

German Cockroach

(Blattella germanica).
This small species, light amber in colour, infests kitchens, water heaters, fridges and stoves. It is a prolific breeder and can take as little as 40 days to develop from hatchling to adulthood. It is commonly transported to new locations in food packages, and cardboard boxes. Successful treatment of this pest involves close attention to cracks and crevices.

American cockroach

(Periplaneta Americana), and Smokybrown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa) and Australian Cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae). These pests are larger and originate from outdoors. They are often found in subfloors, roof areas and wall cavities. The American cockroach is fully winged, meaning it can reach many household areas. Egg cases glued to packages may help in their dispersal. While exterior treatments may be sufficient, both interior and exterior areas may need to be treated to ensure the best possible coverage. 

DIY Cockroach Prevention

A high level of sanitation and hygiene is important. Putting food away at night in sealed containers, sealing cracks and crevices, fixing leaky water pipes or taps and disposing of rubbish may help to prevent cockroach infestations. Always wash up after using the kitchen and dispose of food scraps as cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat a large variety of foods. Check your fridge door seals are in working order. Do not store old newspapers and magazines as cockroaches can nest between pages.
Cockroaches are nocturnal and will hide during the day, and the homeowner can determine the extent of an infestation by doing a night inspection of the kitchen. 

Life Cycle and Habitat

Cockroaches are primitive insects, which probably originated from tropical or subtropical Africa about 300 million years ago. Of the 3000 species of cockroaches world wide, only a few species have reached pest status.  

Cockroaches are a medium sized insect, with flattened oval shaped bodies and legs suitable for crawling and running. Adult females can produce up to 30 egg cases and from a single purse shaped egg case (in the case of the German cockroach), 30-40 cockroaches can develop that are then capable of reproducing 2-3 months later. After 1 year, many thousands of individuals can develop. Cockroaches can go through 5-12 moults before adulthood and can change shape and colour in that time.

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